WAPOTEC® has considered photometry a dependable on-site measurement method with high reproducibility since the 1990’s.
Since then, HydroQuant® has stood for quality and simplicity in daily analytics. WAPOTEC offers the HydroQuant®Photometer for various uses and measurement parameters.
The specially developed, liquid HydroQuant® reagents are used worldwide and act as a reference for the identification of water quality.
HydroQuant® measurement/control systems are available for many uses (for example swimming and bathing water, drinking water, fish farms, farming). The HydroQuant®Controller VI-400 (chlorine, pH, redox) is especially well liked for use in hotels and small municipal pools due to its intuitive operation and simple service.

Special HYDROQUANT® diffusers are offered to introduce CO2 as well as other liquids and gases into water treatment systems.
In addition WAPOTEC provides maintenance, servicing and plant installation services for water treatment applications under the HYDROQUANT® mark.